Shorts Brewing Calls Out Bad Behavior

Normally I think it’s bad practice for a brewery to complain about customers on social media but in this case, I’ll make an exception. Apparently the staff at Michigan’s Shorts Brewing have been experiencing a lot of harassment and rude behavior by their customers so the brewery called them out on social media and said they’re done with putting up with it. Good for them. I don’t know exactly what led to the customers behaving like that but apparently it was in reaction to having to wait for service too long. And really, the reason doesn’t matter. Things are incredibly difficult for the hospitality business right now. Most have had to completely rework their way of doing business on the fly due to the pandemic for what is oftentimes a fraction of their normal operating income. Employees are putting themselves at risk by being there in the first place. People need to be patient. Harassment and rude behavior due to bad or slow service is simply unacceptable right now. People who act like this need to be called out and denied service altogether. If you can’t be nice to your service staff when you go out, then stay home.

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